Land Reform and Housing Publications

The 2013 annual report highlights some of LHR's most noteworthy cases and interventions.

Land rights defenders are increasingly the target of repressive measures, says the Observatory in a new report published in The Philippines, Mexico, and South Africa.

The pressure on land has become unbearable and mobilisation for the respect of the economic, social and cultural rights of affected communities has become a high risk activity.

Lawyers for Human Rights have done extensive work in its various programmes during 2012, including the Refugee and Migrant Rights Programme, Strategic Litigation Unit, Land and Housing Programme and Environmental Rights Programme.

The experience of childhood is increasingly urban. Over half the world’s people – including more than a billion children – now live in cities and towns. Many children enjoy the advantages of urban life, including access to educational, medical and recreational facilities. Too many, however, are denied such essentials as electricity, clean water and health care – even though they may live close to these services.